welcome to the underground how was the fall

this website is for the storage and reading purposes of the umm the non existent story+comic of eaxerion cave system

eaxerion cave system was orignally created 27/01/2023 and has been left sitting in a discord server since so lets use it for my school assignment :3
in january it was created with the story based around two characters in a massive cave system humanity has been banished into, the sun got rlly hot and burned the surface of the earth so to save themselves from a little sunburn they hid. these two were sent to go to the exit to see if the surface is safe to live on

meow meoiw

rualridh (rule-ree) is ur average knight, blunt but cares deeply abt everyone hes close with. arlo (ar-lo) prefers magic and healing over swords like rualridh and has a calmer personality than rualridh.

if you wanna read more abt the story go to this link instead